DeltaLangh Ltd bought by Langh Tech
Langh Tech has bought Deltamarin Ltd’s share of the previously jointly owned DeltaLangh Ltd, which manufactures scrubbers and water treatment systems.
”The cooperation with Deltamarin continues and Deltamarin Floating Construction can still provide turnkey scrubber installations”, states Laura Langh-Lagerlöf.
The method developed by Langh is based on an environmentally friendly closed-loop scrubber that can also be used in open-loop mode. “The hands-on experience has been excellent. We can see that the closed-loop water treatment system can, as it is a reliably functioning and an affordable solution, offer a very good opportunity for updating also other manufacturer’s scrubbers in order to meet the tightened regulations”, tells Langh Group’s managing director Laura Langh-Lagerlöf pleased.
From 1 January 2016 the scrubbers and the water treatment units carry the trademark Langh Tech. Sauli Vahtokari from Langh Group’s production sees the change very positive. “I believe that through the change in ownership we are able to react faster to the customers’ needs and to develop new solutions for the tightening environmental demands. Product development has always been a central part of the Langh companies’ activities.”
The Langh companies also include the shipping company Langh Ship and Industrial and Ship Cleaning Services Hans Langh that offers industrial cleaning services for vessels and manufacturing industry.
Additional information is given by Laura Langh-Lagerlöf,, +358 (0)40 583 8874.
In the picture: Sauli Vahtokari from Langh Group’s production and Langh Group’s Managing Director Laura Langh-Lagerlöf. In the background is a water treatment unit, which is one of the seven units that are being built for Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd’s ships.
For a high resolution picture please turn to Sales and Marketing Assistant Michaela Fortelius-Rautalin,, +358 (0)40 825 5718.